The Transition FAQ

Community FAQs for the transition process

Q: What is happening to the community?

A: The community is transitioning to a new phase. Investec will be taking over the day-to-day operations of the community from 1 October 2023. This change will provide us with more resources and better alignment with Investec. However, it's important to remember that this is your community, and that won't change.

Q: Why is this transition happening?

A: This transition is a strategic move to solidify our community's value, foster innovation, and drive growth for both Investec and the community. With increased Investec resources, we see a tremendous opportunity to make the community even better.

Q: Who will be managing the community after the transition?

A: The community will be managed by Investec after the transition. However, Nick (your current community human) will still be championing the community on the Investec side.

Q: What happens to Make after the transition?

A: Make isn't going anywhere! While Investec will be taking over the operations and management of the community, will continue to be active community members. They’re excited about this new phase and are looking forward to seeing the community continue to thrive. They’re also exploring more opportunities for how they can create value for the community. If you have any ideas or want to chat, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're all in this together!

Q: Will there be any major changes to the community?

A: While the operations and day-to-day management will transition to Investec, the things you love about the community will stay the same. We are still dedicated to fostering a supportive and collaborative environment for our members.

Q: Will the community rules and guidelines change?

A: The community rules and guidelines will remain the same. We are committed to maintaining a respectful, inclusive, and collaborative environment for all members.

Q: Will there be any changes to the community events and activities?

A: We will continue to host regular community events and activities. With increased Investec resources, we hope to offer even more opportunities for learning, collaboration, and innovation.

Q: Will the transition affect the way I use the community spaces?

A: The transition should not significantly affect the way you use the community platform. We aim to make the transition as seamless as possible for all members.

Q: What will happen to the current Slack workspace?

A: We are migrating to a new Slack workspace. The current channels will be archived except for one channel, which will have a redirect message to the new workspace. You will remain, members of the OfferZen/Make Slack workspace and can continue to engage there as well. It’s just that all the Programmable Banking discussions, resources, and updates will be happening in our new dedicated workspace.

Q: How will the migration process work?

A: We will send out new Slack workspace invites to all existing members. We have a detailed Migration Guide to help you through the process. Additionally, we will set up a dedicated support channel for any migration-related questions and support (#10_pb_transition-support).

Q: What if I need help or have questions during the migration?

A: We will offer 1:1 assistance to any members who need help during the migration. We will also have a dedicated support channel(#10_pb_transition-support) on the current Slack workspace for migration-related questions and support.

Q: What happens after the migration?

A: Once the migration is complete, we will continue to engage the community in shaping its future. We will also collect feedback and make necessary adjustments to ensure the community continues to thrive.

Q: What if I don't want to move to the new Slack workspace?

A: We understand that change can be challenging. However, we believe that this transition will bring about significant improvements to the community. We encourage you to join us in the new workspace and continue to be a part of our community. If you have any concerns, please let us know.

Last updated